TRA stuff and stuff


Project Info

 It records Visitor’s details, with accurate Time IN and Time Out
and can print visitor’s Pass. SoftVMS can automatically read visitor details from
the wide variety of identity cards. 

Main Features:

• Captures Visitor details, photo and signature.
• Full Name, Address, Phone Number, mail.
• Purpose of visit, whom / where to visit.
• Type of ID card present., ID number of Visitor.
• Can automatically read visitor details from.
• National ID and Voter ID.
• Accurate Time IN and Time OUT stamping. derived from system clock
• Simplified checkout by barcode, card reader or biometric.
• Indicate who or which department is to be visited.
• Quick Handling of Repeat / Frequent Visitors.
• Can handle multiple workstations for busy entrances or multiple entry points).
• Real-time monitoring of which visitors are still in the premises and for how long.
• In built Staff Attendance Management.
• Easy and flexible setup and configurations.

Clients: CRDB