SoftVFD – EFD Digital Solution

Is a new generation online cash register substitute of Electronic Fiscal Device (EFD Machine) designed for issuance of fiscal digital receipts by taxpayers for every sale transaction through online and signed by the tax administrator server in real-time. It sends electronic receipt to the TRA in real time receiving a validation response from the tax authority. It can be used with other POS systems or management software used for billing and enables taxpayers to send receipt directly to the TRA without the need for a physical EFD.

VFD on different devices
Product Info

SoftVFD is a system which enable businesses to issue digital fiscal receipts without the need of an EFD Machine. With SoftVFD one can register products , clients , shops , input sales, share digital fiscal receipt with customer via email or Whatsapp, view different reports and dashboard etc.

SoftVFD aims at eliminating the use of EFD machine through provision of a well intergrated portal that will be easy to use and more cost effective but still functioning as an EFD Machine.

Providing Cloud Based Solution (Hosted on high perfomance servers for best online experience. VFD system can be accessed from anywhere, anytime.), Efficiency (Eliminates the need for physical checks, saving time for both the Tax Administrator and the taxpayers) and Transparency (Sends real-time transaction data to the Tax Administrator and ensures continuous monitoring of taxpayers).

Key Benefits
  • There is no longer need for physical hardware (authorized providers act as intermediaries, conduct updates, and maintenance).
  • Security and data protection through encryption and authentication of transactions using verification tokens.
  • Enables real time management and verification in each stage.
Main Features
  • Management
    All information of Users, Customers and Products are monitoring in this feature
  • Sale
    The client or operator creates product sale
  •  Reports
    Client or operator can view reports about the sales report and z-report, where by Z-reports are reports that send to TRA after 24 hours for taxes payment.
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