It records Visitor’s details, with accurate Time IN and Time Out and can print visitor’s Pass. SoftVMS can automatically read visitor details from the wide variety of identity cards.
Main Features:
• Captures Visitor details, photo and signature. • Full Name, Address, Phone Number, mail. • Purpose of visit, whom / where to visit. • Type of ID card present., ID number of Visitor. • Can automatically read visitor details from. • National ID and Voter ID. • Accurate Time IN and Time OUT stamping. derived from system clock • Simplified checkout by barcode, card reader or biometric. • Indicate who or which department is to be visited. • Quick Handling of Repeat / Frequent Visitors. • Can handle multiple workstations for busy entrances or multiple entry points). • Real-time monitoring of which visitors are still in the premises and for how long. • In built Staff Attendance Management. • Easy and flexible setup and configurations.